Title: Casualties of War
Fandom: RPF
Writers (DC Comics)
Cow-T Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul, Marcus To, Fabian Nicieza, Dan DiDio, Guillem March, Frank Quitely, plus a deluge of comic book characters XD
Rating: Pg13
Word Count: 531 (FDP)
Warnings: Crack, crack and crack a little ', colorful language, rampant insanity
Disclaimer: are all lies. Things are certainly not go so or yes, I invented it all, I gain nothing and the DC is a happy place where people love and work in peace and harmony or not. Notes: • A FIC! On these shores! OMG, the aliens have arrived! • Cheppoi for 'war' I could write three and a half million things, but I wrote 'is crap. Okay. XD • The inspiration for this comes from
the announcement of Batman & Robin # 23 , it is easy to imagine. XD But of course everything else is super-invented, including the different personalities. For nerdaggini, let us see at the end of fic. XD Casualties of War so far has been good. He decided to keep low the crest, the editor to accept orders without flinching, to get enough "Lost Days" and to adapt, unlike many around him, who wished to leave.
He held firm, has even agreed to write a random number of "Superman / Batman" just to get close to her family preferred a minimum, and never complained. But enough is enough. Now it's war.
With bold step and perfectly sure of himself, Winick running merrily along the corridor. Johns salutes through an open door, discarding the shape cleverly-size Superboy designed by Manapul protruding out of the office, shouting a 'good luck' to To, bent on some sketches of Red Robin (or are fanart? From that position can not see well. However must ask him to draw the Roy / Dick one of these days, it's not fair that only satisfied the fans), and finally reach the door. The your door.
Grant Morrison has never aroused great sympathy, but also against it has always behaved correctly. He, on the contrary, no: the first occasion it is appropriate to the Red Hood - without even asking permission! - And threw in the proverbial toilet all the work that lasted for years Judd had taken us over. And if you could bear the new costume, if you could bear that tried to kill Grayson
really, if he could endure his exaggerated characterization, the hair ... hair has been the straw that broke the camel's back. But the time to spend hours to think about it, risking an ulcer from too much tension, finally passed. With a cheery smile and just teasing, knocks on the door and, at the invitation of the other, opens. "Hey, Grant," he greets, moving effortlessly to his desk.
"Winick, what do you want? I'm writing the new issue of "Batman INC" and I can not choose how to show her tits to Catwoman, is a delicate time, "exclaims the man, without even looking up from the notes he is studying.
I write. "And, having said that, without a real answer, he turns and exits. It arrived just in the middle of the corridor, when the cry of agony and frustration (which looks a lot like "Daaaaaaaaaaan!") joins him. Nicieza check suddenly one of the offices and the thumbs up to him in sign of approval; Judd's victorious smiles, but when he returns in his studio, he can not help but think that that was only a battle, and who knew Morrison The war will not end for sure, you probably will be long and even bloody. Who knows, maybe to score a second success will dye your hair Damian, in Arc. Yes, maybe it will.
two notes, the nerdaggini:
• March will be the bow design of Winick; Quitely was the designer of Batman & Robin Morrison and throughout the period to which the cover March hath been invoked is
. • The number of Superman / Batman written by Winick is # 76. ♥ • Johns Manapul you
cuoriciano on Twitter. Nothing to do, but I had to say it somewhere. XD
PerĂ² adesso Damian con i capelli verdi lo voglio davvero.
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