Title: The World We Knew Will not Come Back
Fandom: DC Comics
Beta: namidayume
Prompt: rain @ Cow-T The characters in the story belong to their respective owners and creators, who hold the rights. Nothing is written for profit. Notes: fic • Two in a row! OMG, the aliens really! • Set during (I think) The fall of Green Arrow. We know that the arch I've only read the first issue and scan in some cases where there was also mine, because I do not have a clear idea of how things went and especially as Ollie managed to get rid of my . XD This fic is a bit 'random, but I wanted to write it down so much patience. _; • The reference to why Jason is yes. • What then, if Shippo Ollie and Mia's fault Krul. XDD Let a man on, go. • Title to
Never Too Late Three Days Grace of
The World We Knew Will not Come Back
Outside the window of half-collapsed building where they found refuge, the rain pounding on the ruins of destroyed Star City. Mia remains to observe the landscape for a long moment, letting the devastation that is imprinted in my mind - do not ever want to forget - and then pushes the wooden frame and glass are wide open without effort. But the ticking
continuous rain, now comes the harder, still can not cover the words of Ollie, the same that you really want to avoid.
"This place is not for you. It is absolutely not the life I wanted to offer. Will not let you stay here you go. "
His voice took on a bitter tone, a note that wiper goes to the heart, the tone is that he hates, which fails to pay, not what he is saying. If those words were uttered in the way that Ollie would usually merely laugh in my face and tell him that no, do not give that much of what can or can not do. Instead
know pain, anger, and her laugh is just nothing there. The listener listens for hours, always the same, repeated with little variation, always determined to keep him safe. Saved by what, Mia does not know: it's a long time that no longer feels able to be saved from anything.
When you turn to look at him, leaving the rain behind, Ollie does not cross his eyes. Takes a few steps into the room, put them to better organize the shelter you choose, the system and bow and arrows next to the bed, as if he thought they must be attacked at any moment. My covers the few steps separating them, and reached behind him, fasten your arms and squeezes the life. Then he speaks, and it does sinking face in the cold smoothness of her costume, because he knows that those things could never tell him face him. "I will not go away," murmured, not bothering to raise my voice. "Remember what he said Red Hood, when she kidnapped? It was true. I saw things I did things. I'm not afraid of you, Ollie, and I will not go. "
He stands still for a moment motionless, in silence, then free of his grip and turns, place hands on shoulders with authoritarian attitude. "I do not give a shit what you do," he says, and it is hard, uncompromising and just cruel, but in his eyes - that for the first time she can to really look - just see a great desire to protect, so many excuses that do not have the ability to exit. "It is I who decide, and decided I did not stay here another day."
Between the two, although at times the fight was on equal terms, as he has always been stubborn. Mia knows that His will, as clashes and kicks, after all can never escape - not now that the voice of Ollie knows so much pain, especially - because, with the heart that a little 'the breaks , nods. With ears cocked to pick up the sounds coming from outside, says: "I will go when it has stopped raining."
Ollie grants that last compromise, giving you both a little 'time, and hugged her in a last attempt to reassure her.
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