Sunday, May 9, 2010

Unleashed Exception: C0000005

Title: A guilty conscience grows

Fandom: DC Comics - Lovvoverse Beta:

Challenge: Special # 7 @


Torque: B


Characters: Helena Kyle , Tim Drake, appointed Ibn Al Xu'ffasch
Pairing: hints Ibn
/ Helena Rating: G [info] Word Count: 158 (FDP) Disclaimer: The characters of the story property of their respective owners and creators, who hold the rights. Nothing is written for profit. Notes:
• Set in [info] lovvoverse , somewhere during the 2027 [
timeline], where, after the flight of Ibn, Helena and Tim are pretty much the last remaining in Gotham . • Unbelievable but true, this drabble I've rewritten something like five times before it made sense. I hate it. = _ = • Title to the
Sunburn Muse .
A guilty conscience grows

's family once so united and compact that they were not. The escape of Ibn did not exacerbate his sense of guilt, giving the feeling of being dropped like a bomb on Villa Wayne, tearing apart all that was and throwing away the surviving fragments.
Sometimes, Helena felt so strong a desire to go back and change your route, make sure you never arrive there, even that of Ibn review it is stifled. Other times, the need to react, to protect something that still feels right, above the rest. Helena then tightens against Catwoman's costume, he wears a mask and fight, fight, fight.
in the dark night of Gotham, to give courage and hope, there is only comforting smile of Batman. "He'll be back, I'm sure it will," Tim repeats almost every day and the safety of his words is all that remains.


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