Title: She Had a name
Fandom: DC Comics Beta:
Challenge: Special # 7 @
Characters: Cassandra Cain, appointed Bruce Wayne and Stephanie Brown Rating: Pg13
Word Count: 300 (FDP)
Disclaimer: The characters in the story belong to their respective owners and creators, who hold the rights. Nothing is written for profit. Notes: • Brief reference to Batgirl V3 # 1 (but only with regard to the passing of the baton) , so it may contain SPOILER! . • This is the result of star reading all V1 Batgirl, here. Cass want it back! . __. • Title to
of Stockholm Syndrome Muse .
She Had A name
The costume suddenly becomes a hindrance, something that does not belong anymore and does not know how to handle. It was created in the image and likeness to Bruce - because out there, she was
him - to serve his cause, to follow its rules. Now that man is no more, it seems that the house of cards built by Batman has dropped, carried away by the wind. Cassandra finds himself unable to establish its identity. The many things have happened in recent months, has been left too often, deceived many, and has returned to kill again to save, to be hated and loved again. She feels that her body has changed shape so often that now it is inevitably divided, dismembered.
So that's Batgirl costume is too similar to Bruce, has thrown them away with an ease that he did not believe possible. The leaves on a roof and disappears the next moment, without looking back, without checking that Stephanie really collect it.
runs away and climbs a skyscraper to reach the top, closing his eyes investment and allowing the cold air of the night. Be deprived of the suit that brought him for a long time so it's like being deprived of his own skin - skin Bruce -, protection of container that could hold together all the pieces of his body.
The feeling now that the wind can carry it off like he did with all the rest, scattering his limbs everywhere, is so vivid that you almost wonder when, looking around, he realizes that it is still whole.
In his mind, a resounding words: none you're back. The only thought that remains is that perhaps it was better not have never become somebody.
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