Monday, January 3, 2011

What Is Kates Name From Kates Playground


1.Post may seem boring (and even UG)
2.Raschitan not experts, but "is addressed to students, and all interested (in this case, I do not pretend in any way As for the role of the teacher!)
3.If someone interested in the "process-poem," will need to delve further and find Old yourself.
4.PS Despite the seemingly dry, pseudo-scientific constructs and approaches, these things still have the magic. They have heart.

«Movement procedural poetry officially formed in 1967 during the national exhibitions of new poetry, both organized in Rio de Janeiro and the small town of Natal (the Northern Rio Grande), which was attended by some thirty authors from nine Brazilian states. At the same time the first issue of "Ponto" (Ed. Joachim Branco), which were published visual-concrete works most of the participants in these exhibitions. In Natal, with the support of the local newspaper «O Sol», issued the exhibition catalog, was also published Manifesto procedural Poetry «Proposicao», sponsored by the famous Brazilian concrete poets Vlademir Diaz Pino and Alvaro de Sa ... According to the memoirs Moasi Kearney, "The movement process, poetry has evolved, mostly out of the interpretation Vlademirom Diaz Pino functional and spatial possibilities inherent in concrete poetry, interpretation and practical implementation of which had a profound impact on the formation process of poetry-not only in Brazil but in all South American countries ... »
« In 1972, after five consecutive years of poetic experiment, the motion process-poetry as carefully organized and planned action was brought to an end. A collective manifesto, which appeared in print in December 1972, Vlademir Diaz Pino, Alvaro de Sa, Moasi Kearney and Ney de Sa said open the possibility of resumption of the process of movement-poetry, the use of a fundamentally new level of process equipment, the poet, which is the action, performance and heppining. Here are some of the last manifest process-poets
- The process of a poem: display (visibility action) consumption;
- The process of a poem is something with which begins in each case, the information process. This information may be aesthetic, but can itself and is not - it is important that it was functional, and therefore - expendable;
- The process of a poem: the mind is ahead of the language, it creates, manipulates them. Consciousness pays most attention to interpretation of poetry instead of an elementary reading it. Reflection generates words, they come then to be distributed - both achieved the universal language, the language of the process;
- The process of a poem - is not a declaration of war to the verbal sign, and systematic razrabatyvanie resources contained in a non-verbal constructions ... »

Experimental poetry. Selected articles. (Preparation and general editing DV Bulatov) Кенигсберг - Мальброк, 1996.

Wlademir Dias-Pino

Wlademir Dias-Pino - 2

Wlademir Dias-Pino -3

Waldemar Dias-Pino

Jose de Arimathea

Joseph of Arimathea

Joaquim Branco

Joaquim Branco

Angelo Pinto

Angelo Pinto

Falves Silva

Falvo Silva ~ lndb/padin/lcpgal2a.htm


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