Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sample Letter Of Appeal For Reinstatement

[The Betrothed] The road to hell ~ the Nun of Monza

Title: The road to hell
Fandom: The Betrothed
A. Manzoni Beta:


Challenge: Special # 7 @

couple: D


Characters: the Nun of Monza, named Giles and Lucy
Pairing: ... Egidio / Gertrude? But the whole thing "canonical" XD Rating: Pg13
Word Count: 296 (FDP) Disclaimer: The characters of the story [info] property of their respective owners and creators, who hold the rights. Nothing is written for profit. Notes: • Um, yes. I know. Gertrude, however, will always remain one of my favorite characters Evah! > _ \u0026lt; • The road to hell is paved with good intentions
= title = mio proverbio preferito evah. C’è un sacco di roba preferita evah in queste note, me ne rendo conto. [info] La strada per l’inferno
Le parole dell’uomo risuonavano nella sua testa: sentiva l’affetto, il rispetto, le preghiere che mascheravano richieste e minacce; più di ogni altra cosa, ricordava la piega delle labbra di Egidio, che pareva davvero quella del diavolo.
Si avvicinava al parlatorio come un condannato si avvicina alla forca: meditava ogni istante di voltarsi indietro e fuggire, ma la parola data agiva al pari d’un carceriere e la obbligava ad andare avanti. La discesa verso l’inferno was always faster and something inside her told her that last step would be the most fatal. Gertrude did not know when, exactly, he damned his soul. Maybe it happened a lifetime ago, when he uttered the fateful yes
that had bound forever to that place, doing away with itself, but also avoid losing everything that was worth having. Maybe it had happened when, for the first time he heard the man's voice caress the ears, and had listened, that sunny afternoon many years ago. Maybe it did not matter, because whatever was the decisive moment had now gone and lost, unable to change.
Now, to be deprived of Lucia lacked the faint hope that the girl had given her with his dazzling purity and salvation, of all things. He was uttering a thousand times a thousand times and still ensure that
fatal plunge to the bottom of the abyss murarsi alive inside. Now in the parlor, there was no way to turn back every word referring to the girl over the grate to hit the heart and when, finally, Lucia left the monastery it seemed that those rooms had made darker, closer and suffocating. The only light that Gertrude could see, then, was the arrogant grin Egidio - And was certainly the devil's grin.


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