I realize that writing a post in three hours alternating with the broom and the sponge is not the best for the quality of the writing, but I must say it served its purpose! My fold today is a bit 'less stable, and if now baby, it seems, decides to get a snoring, I could improve the situation further.
few days ago, I reflected with
But regardless of the intrinsic merits, the idea that I find it difficult to get used to is that my house without any forecasts of future moves, among others in a moment that for over twenty years has been my home is undergoing restructuring and is equal to itself. I know for most people there is no "home" stable over time, but I, just because I had this myth campagnola provincialotta stable from early childhood. The point is that I did not anticipate to have it now, probably. When I got married in the last millennium, we opted for a solution which they were created as temporary, a mini, the most that could enable our pockets. The fact that it was not final was quite clear: I never moved my books and many of my things have been piled up by my parents. The next phase, although much closer to my idea of "home" very limited prospects due to the fact that, just to have a garden (and a tavern-study) was a two-bedroom in the province, in that part of anything where the costs are still acceptable and the limited distances. Despite having worked hard to redesign the house, I never really loved. He had flaws that made me anxious, especially for the safety of pigrotti. Moreover, in the meantime, we went to rent an apartment in town and it was becoming a drug. When I found myself alone and pregnant in the flat country was no longer a viable option, both economically and for me alone, and psychologically. My agent, I am conscious that for some years now, I only showed little house: I have visited in the evening and the morning already I was putting on paper the proposed purchase. Love at first sight. Sure, the previous owners were much more orderly than I, even I had been without puppy and the two pigrotti.
Yet it took me months to realize that in this house I finally have a library with all my books (and honestly I do not know how many more, having spent my youth to buy non-stop:)). It 's a little trivial, but since in almost eight months have not yet managed to empty the boxes of what I have accumulated in recent years, I think the idea of how to make a part of me seem to resist to settle in a Final . But I see that they are also encouraged to write to act, for which continued unabated to lose battles in this war on clutter in my house, which is ultimately also that of my life ... We hope for good!
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