Tuesday, October 16, 2007

In The Bible What Was Punishable By Stoning

beautiful things in life

Top ten baby (the mother is excluded as symbiont)
  1. It 's a pigrotto ... nothing can resist the comparison
  2. Taken in hand and makes a nice rough sound
  3. If you clap your hands above sounds
  4. Banged on the ground or other objects makes a nice sound
  5. If there is breath in a beautiful sound
  6. E 'a shoe, a slipper, a sock and I can suck
  7. roll on the floor along strange paths
  8. I can use it to stand up
  9. It' s a mobile phone or a bunch of keys to suck
  10. 's funny to bite
... be retained for future reference, when will be the turn of expensive devices super-hyper-mega technologies ...


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