Blush no more ... First Day
Hey Hey Hey .... And so it begins with the first scripts for the tables Blush no more!, Are perhaps not exceptional. D is my first experience in this area so maybe miss the essential details for the designer and maybe Syriuzzo environments such as dialogues will be very original ... The important thing is that I hope we still manage to entertain and communicate with the help of Syria what I have in mind! ;)
Well after this preamble had paraculizzante .....
- Tavola 1 -
Vignetta 1
La stanza è completamente al buio con le serrande chiuse, l'inquadratura si apre verso il letto di Miata e subito sulla sinistra c'è la gabbietta di Amichi.
Miata con le coperte fino la testa chiude con una mano la sveglia che segna le 7:00.
Vignetta 2
Siamo ancora nella stanza di Miata con l'inquadratura verso la porta che è spalancata e Miata che stende le braccia per svegliarsi.
I particolari della stanza che si vedono sono un armadio da cui fuoriescono alcuni vestiti and a piece of the desk where a tree comes out.
panel 3
Miata is in the bathroom where you're brushing your teeth, the shot begins on the chest to end all ' height of the mouth.
Sticker 4
You see the body but not the Miata's face that takes her clothes resting on the chair beside the bed in his room.
Miata : Perfect!
panel 5
Miata framed from behind, his face visible to 3 / 4 out the door of the house taking a backpack over one shoulder.
waved in which the mother takes a croissant (not present on the scene), while with the other hand adjusts the sunglasses that door in his face.
Miata: I go to school!
Mother : Good day!
Sticker 6
Miata with a hand in your pocket and to the dude walking down the road to school.
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- Table 2 -
panel 1 that takes two spaces
High School Miata. The cartoon shows a front shot of the school that is a model of a typical American high school, with kids going to school.
Sticker 2-3-4 each take 1 / 3 of the paper
Miata that greets with various hand gestures in different cartoons.
Miata: Hello!
Miata: Hey!
panel 5 that takes two spaces
With Miata in the background are seen in close-up guys who do acts of misunderstanding and snubbed.
Boy 1: Who is it?
Boy Snob: Puff!
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- Table 3 -
panel 1
A boy looking out his class who comes ...
panel 2
Miata closes his locker by it took 2 books. The corridor is full of young people in many different attitudes from those who put him on the shoulder of a friend who kisses the girl who walks just to those who talk with the prof.
panel 3
The boy with an expression of joy turns to his companions in warning of the arrival of Miata class, as if arriving someone famous and worthy of attention.
Wingman 1 : Ragaaa comes Miata!
Sticker 4
whistling Miata is about to enter the class
panel 5
Some kids with carnival mask of horror that are scaring Miata has just entered.
Sticker 6
Miata disconsolately goes to his solitary desk in the front row while the others laugh at him and someone pulls litter.
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Well well ... end here for today ...
PS The title seems to be confirmed:)
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