[Slam Dunk] Fregachallenge
It also came the turn of the Slam Dunk
! Which by the way he did the worst damage before, because now I have again fixed, yay. XD
again thanks to the betaggio Vany and Ale. ♥
{Akira Sendoh / Ryota Miyagi, PG13, 25 words (W), shonen-ai}
First Time, 4 and 6 - Akira Sendoh, Ryota Miyagi
"One after a win, should not celebrate it," mutters Miyagi, eyeing to Sendoh, lying at his side. In fact, that night, does not regret anything.
{(Maki Shin'ichi /) Nobunaga Kiyota, PG, 25 words (W), shonen-ai, future! Fic}
Angst, 7 - Nobunaga Kiyota Collision without Maki, without its continued support, its strong presence, is destabilizing. As if someone had removed a lung or part of the heart.
{Maki Shin'ichi (/ Hanamichi Sakuragi), G, 25 words (W), shonen-ai, AU}
AU / What if, 1 and 8 - Sakuragi Hanamichi, Shin'ichi Maki
As the son of the manager, he must know all the employees: the fact that we know every detail of that Sakuragi is only a consequence.
{Hisashi Mitsui / Tetsuo Tanaka, PG, 25 words (W), shonen-ai} Hurt / Comfort, 5 and 10 - Hisashi Mitsui, Tetsuo Tanaka
is on the motion of Tetsuo, narrow to his back, who is finally able to put aside the pain that leave basketball brings.
{Hanamichi Sakuragi, G, 25 words (W), crack! Fic}
Crack, 1 - Hanamichi Sakuragi
With a perfect shot - worthy of the genius of basketball - Hanamichi launches dye pack garbage. Then, proud, admiring the bright red of his hair.
{Tetsuo Tanaka, PG, 25 words (W), AU, crack! Fic notes:
random nonsense, of course XD }
Horror, 10 - Tetsuo Tetsuo Tanaka
grinned. Having tamed the teen angst of Mitsui and struggled with an entire basketball team, what they were never four zombies advancing towards him?
{Soichiro Jin, Hisashi Mitsui, G, 25 words (W)}
Baby Fic, 5 and 9 - Hisashi Mitsui Soichiro Jin
"Maybe one day become as good as you," Jin smiles , pointing to children playing basketball. Mitsui is committed to really not to be too smug.
{Takenori Akagi, Maki Shin'ichi, PG13, 25 words (W), what if?}
Dark, 2 and 8 - Takenori Akagi, Maki Shin'ichi
The injury's raining him suddenly that Akagi can see in the moments following are the lines of concern on the face of Maki. Then, darkness.
{Akira Sendoh / Nobunaga Kiyota, PG, 22 words (W), shonen-ai}
Romance, 4 and 7 - Nobunaga Kiyota, Akira Sendoh "I'm not in love with you!" Exclaims Nobunaga, stamping her foot. Just a smile just Sendoh, however, to make him lose all security.
{Takenori Akagi / Kaede Rukawa (Kiminobu Kogure), PG, 25 words (W), future! Fic, shonen-ai}
Death Fic, 2 and 3 - Takenori Akagi, Kaede Rukawa
At the funeral of Kogure, Takenori he is grateful to be back racing by the U.S., if only to shake his shoulder and keep up silently beside him.
{Kaede Rukawa / Ryota Miyagi / Soichiro Jin (Hisashi Mitsui), PG13, 20 words (W), shonen-ai}
Threesome, 3, 6, and 9 - Kaede Rukawa, Ryota Miyagi, Socihiro
Jin "Jin?! What does Jin? "Application Ryota, confused. Rukawa merely shrug and, "Mitsui was committed," is justified.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What's New With Milena Velba
~ Part Three [Original] Follow your instincts (and Choose another path)
Title: Follow your instincts (and Choose another path) Collection: What I am, you'll be the
Fandom: Original
Rating: Pg13
Word Count: 5377 (FDP)
Genre: Introspective,
General Disclaimer: The characters of history are
my, my, my
but if you want them there XD I give
. Any reference to existing people or real events is purely coincidental. Notes: • Ok, where do I start? XD
Meanwhile, everything had to be written for the Tricolore! Challenge Fanworld But clearly I was not on time - and if you look at the word count will understand why. XD So, uh, come now and know that the first story I really liked, but now I hate her. • Part of that - hopefully - will become a collection of these characters. o_O Because when I was writing this, I could think of nice that developed around the following additional and different scenes, so yes, I would say that people write about this again. XD • Title to
Resistance of
Follow your instincts (and Choose another path) Catherine hates that place. He hates every single bar of the gate, every stone on the path, every blade of grass in the front garden of the house. He hates that vast gray building, cold and austere, he can give her only a vague sense of claustrophobia and AC desire to flee as far away as possible.
even more important than all, despises the people who live and to which everything belongs, from first to last, the only thing that goes beyond a similar spiral of disgust are just their money. Those, to Catherine, really like.
This is what I keep thinking while her mother speaks. It has the terrible habit of using the same tone that you use with a child, despite his twenty-five years he played: lower your voice and makes it mellow, sweet forcibly, and she loves to test against the self that is attached to, hear his speech in an attempt to break up and remain calm educated. Catherine harbors no respect for their mother. "We're happy you're here," is saying now. "You're still part of this family, and rightly celebrate occasions like that go big."
She graduated exactly one week before and the call of the parents, who invited her to the villa for a party in his honor, arrived punctual. The only reason I accepted is the agreement that, long before, had concluded with his father, she was allowed to leave at will by the family to reject the management company - which was then headed by his younger brother - and still live a life of its own logging the wealth of the parents, provided you are not in a bad light as Altieri and show his face for some important occasions.
Only this has had the opportunity to take courses in Foreign Languages, instead of Economy and Commerce, and the only reason yet have a substantial monthly allowance, just for this, finally, is located in front of his mother, in house, put up in his speeches about how great it is to pretend be a family together. "Sure, Mom," replied, mimicking his own smile softened, "and the fact that you do not have the slightest idea what he has studied over the past five years obviously does not matter, right?" The attitude Adele does not waver for a second, leaning to support a cup of tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa and then, smoothing her skirt, standing up. "Your sister asked to see you, as soon as I arrived. You'll find it in the salon of the piano, 'informs her, dropping his challenge in a vacuum.
Catherine drink a long drink of tea and looks up to heaven. "God, you still take those pallosissime music lessons? "he says. The sentence results in a long sigh of exasperation that his mother had used in life, and certainly would follow with an equally long lecture if you do not stop talking about them later: "And anyway I do not want to see it. We will meet for dinner, as with everyone else. "
Adele stares at length, with a reproach that no longer dares to ask verbally. "As you wish," replied, dry and cold. "Just try to look after your manner, until the remains in this house," warns Finally, turning to exit the residence.
Catherine does not replicate anything, the empty cup in one gulp, then gets up and goes to his time, heading towards the garden where he knows that will not meet any member of the family.
* His brothers have for her the same respect that Catherine has for her parents: she imagines that have not suffered too much then for his absence, the first because it could eventually seize the title of principal heir , the second because it has found new and improved opportunities to show off before the eyes of parents.
Richard looks at her with an irreverent sarcastic in his eyes that makes me want to slap him. Sip your Martini watered down and let her come near, forced by the watchful eyes of Adele.
"It's always good to see you crawling on the money, little sister," she whispers to her as soon joins. Catherine's hand slips off the glass and replies, "Money is the only thing that disgusts me in this place." He takes a sip of the drink and levandolo slightly to indicate, he adds: "I think, even this sucks." is a cynical careerist willing to do anything, Riccardo. He has a nose for business and almost animal instinct to follow them without smudging smoothly and would be able to do anything to achieve their goals, not afraid to resort to methods are ill suited to either get their hands dirty. Catherine is convinced that one day he will take control of assets Altieri, leaving the father with the palm of your nose, maybe a step away from bankruptcy, when that day comes, she wants to be there looking for guidance from above saying, "Apparently I was not the snake of the family. "
Philip, by contrast, moves up a completely different. Maybe because a boy is convinced that her parents are no more than perfection come down to earth following the footsteps of father as a good dog would do, he attended his same high school, will move into its own university, maybe one day will himself a successful company with his own hands - or end up working for Richard, which is smart enough to keep for themselves only the intelligence of his brother. Catherine already if he sees them, in their immaculate bright future, and the idea of having made the right choice by turning away from that hornet's nest is getting stronger. Then his gaze slips a few feet and is based on Clare, and thought a moment before so some wobbles a bit ', before she returns to take control.
Chiara eight years is a doll with dark curls and blue eyes is not understood by those who have inherited ("One of the grandparents, of course, 'liquid nonchalantly people) always dresses in lace lacy skirts, taking lessons piano and violin, is educated at home, so it is difficult to spot them, and says his prayers every night, before his four-poster bed.
Chiara is the joy of family, pride of Adele and Guido, the treasure hidden in the eyes of more and instead put on display to the proper authorities, so that one day may be traded as a commodity of value. Chiara is all that Catherine should have been.
When twenty years had left the house, friends of his parents had been maligned by saying that he had done out of jealousy of the girl, who could not bear to not be the only girl in the family. Cate had laughed their speeches and they had also fed behaviors often unfriendly or intentionally evil against him; attitudes, however, were not entirely fake or manufactured. The truth is that rarely withstands the presence of Clare and is rarely prepared to deal with it, the truth is that sometimes it is really
convinced to hate.
hate it, because it knows exactly where those eyes so blue they come.
Her father enters the dining room for last, when the table is now the apparatus and the dinner is being served. As is his habit for years and years, skip the aperitif and any chance of meeting with the rest of the family; Upon his arrival, all take up their positions, without saying goodbye, without running to embrace him meeting: they seem a troop that you put in line in front of his general.
Catherine has only a moment's hesitation, first to trace the ancient custom and behave exactly like any other, his position - that the right hand of Guido - is now occupied by Richard, it can only sit next to brother, face of Philip.
"I hope it is all ready for tomorrow night," are the first words his father decision, addressed to everyone and anyone.
"Most of the calls has been confirmed, yes," he rattles off faithfully Adele, then launches into explanations of the usual details that an evening reception at home requires Altieri. Her husband nods to all the information, give advice and express dissent, and dinner is served, a theater already seen and reviewed is consumed before the eyes of Catherine.
Richard and Philip, as you become accustomed to such scenes, talk to each other or simply not listening, the child bends down too often to Clare, laugh and talk: for several minutes to ask you is the only real attention . Catherine would not have noticed, the way the girl is on her, the immobility that characterizes it and that makes it even more like a porcelain doll, who would not remember their childhood, the condition, and would not goad the heart, that his coldness was able to endure all things.
The laugh that one of the characters of Philip led, off the lips of Clare when she looks up and crosses that of Catherine fixed on her. On the table on which the suddenly stagnant silence, her voice sounds thin, just tinged with fear: "Now go back to live here?" Such a possibility had not even considered - and never consider, they say - and yet to hear the request with such innocence and, perhaps, hidden at the bottom of her blue eyes, with a little 'hope, finds himself puzzled.
"Living here, you say?" Guido's voice cuts through the silence like an arrow just shot. "I do not know, okay? Catherine does not like this at home, and she does not like us either. "He turns to his daughter and fixed carefully, addressing a first glance since he set foot in the Villa. Catherine supports him appealing to all the courage that has collected over the years of his youth, yet it seems that even that is enough to make a proper reply, and really hold his head. Guido
Addressing her back to when he was just a kid and it was feared more than anything else in the world, and is gradually able to overcome that fear, to come to terms with his father and to obtain a semblance of freedom, but there are still times when it seems it did not make any progress, that it did not move, they are still the girl who was scolded for failing to act in a way.
about to say something, anything to unlock the situation and offering a chance to breathe, to feel its twenty-five and not his inability, but speaking out before her. "Sorry, Dad," murmured, lowering his eyes on the plate and returning to eat quietly.
Guido's dark eyes finally left to rest on the girl, smiling good-naturedly, he tells her not to worry, as if nothing had happened, and resumed the conversation with Adele. Catherine in return, no longer hungry.
She sat with clenched fists on the table, and the anger that is brewing, the sense of rebellion that simple scene that caused the rubble stomach: there's that
dad too, and that apology is not needed, c ' fiction is the stillness, the breath is missing, because the cage that Guido and Adele have built around you is not never falling, but that the more you fit us each time he tries to break free.
Richard and Philip turned to her almost at the same time, realizing what is going to happen. The eyes of the child say the distinctly
not now, while Richard syllable, unceremoniously, "Thou hast searched."
Cathy knows that her brother is right, that if you really tried, because they are now years that they were digging with their hands slowly, picks up a fork trying to restore calm.
It behaves exactly like his father, in pretending that nothing has happened.
Once, years ago, his mother had told her that red is a color exaggerated, obvious and in this unseemly, had forbidden her to wear it as a child and teenager, claiming that only have such a good little clothing.
Since it went on, each Once back at the villa, Catherine wearing something red. It can be a scarf, a cape, a shirt or a pair of shoes, but that is a detail on her is never absent. Her mother turns a blind eye, ignore those style choices not to add meat to fire often glances of reproach, but these things by now you know how to shrug off and ignore.
the evening of the party for his graduation party, Katherine makes sure to wear a red dress and high shoes, to dart over most of the crowd. On this occasion, the glance of reproach for Adele does not seem enough.
"I can not believe you will be cured in this way," hissed the woman in the hall, a moment before leaving to make his entry into the hall, among the guests.
Catherine grins mockingly. "It's my party, Mom," replies, with a supercilious note in his voice, "if I draw attention to an event in my honor, when should I?" Says the woman raised her eyes and her grin is widens into a genuine smile, while passing over and through the doors of the room.
the guests know very few people directly, most are all friends of their parents and employees, that Catherine was able to meet only on other occasions similar official, or of which he only heard about. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, in the party and everything is organized
ad hoc for the purpose more or less to guide and Adele. It is easy to see that his every smile this evening will be built and false, as well as return to feel that sense of restraint, the cage that holds the breast.
mourned Rome, his penthouse in the center where he could celebrate with those who really think friends and drink and laugh and have fun, yet avoid such a situation is not possible. With a plastic smile on his face, then launches into the crowd.
wish a bright future is left, shakes hands with middle-aged men and young people in full by that haunting eyes, imagine, have been invited here by his father in person to whet his interest. Richard every now and then joins, hands her a glass of punch a bit 'too much alcohol and pinches the side and whispers to her cruel comments on the present, reminding an old game that served as boys.
The truth, however, is that now he is much more at ease on such occasions, than it was a boy, moves through the crowd like a shark quickly and safely, without claiming that those victims are able to achieve time. Sometimes, Philip drags with him, tries to cancel his shyness, it is already as his favorite collaborator.
Catherine if they keep at a distance, instead of who is leaving to go to her, as any queen would, meanwhile, says Clare. The little girl - there must be someone really important, for it allowed the party - not done away from the side of Adele even for a moment. The woman has in turn, makes you shake hands with strangers who compliment to her beauty, dark curls, even for those eyes so blue.
His yawning and his fatigue is ignored. "Be good, darling," she prays Adele, before resuming the tour, "there are many people who want to meet you."
"They should not treat her well," says Catherine, Philip, in a rare moment in which they can to approach. He holds her gaze fixed on Clare and can not dissuade him, even though you want, even if she'd hold on him that his famous indifference.
"The deal as they treated all of us," answered her brother. "Why should it be different with her?" We turn to watch them carefully, looking for reasons to complain that he is completely insane, but Catherine, although he has spent years trying, has always been far from his understanding, real places to meet their there were not ever. When he left, what's more, the girl had cut off any possibility in the bud: Phil Did not I forgiven yet. So leave that last attempt and turn again to the hall and the guests to and from the small Adele Clare. "Imagine if one of the precious loins of my father could never be treated differently," he adds further, almost in a mumble.
Catherine greenhouse eyelids suddenly, biting his tongue not to reply and say more than necessary. It is an instinct that the bottom part of the stomach and pressing to be expressed, such as when you claim ownership of something, reaching out a hand suddenly, clasping his fingers around and yelling, it's mine. is exactly what she would do, right now, and that is exactly what prevents you to do. Go in search of his self-control, trying to retrieve the reasons that drove him there, to make those specific decisions, what he can see now, however, is only his own youth, lived just like livin in clear. This does not like: she wakes up within that same rebellion that drove you to leave, the door to want to save even clear since it is still a child, it might be better than all of them, if only it falls short in time from such influences.
Maybe that's the moment when he decided his next move. Or perhaps he always knew would happen sooner or later.
* The first
which finds the courage to mention it is Adele. He used this opportunity at breakfast the next day, when the waitress out, there are only two of them sitting on sofas in the living room.
"I was thinking ..." begins, waiting to get the full attention of his mother before continuing, "Maybe Clare could come and stay with me for a while '."
The woman stares for a long time, processing In his words, then mentions a snort of laughter and covers her mouth with one hand. "It's a joke, right? What could make clear to you? "Says Catherine
gaze without fear, suggesting another its determination and the intention not to be bent. "Could you live with me," replied, the low tone and serious.
Any hint of fun disappears from the face of Adele. "This is not unthinkable," he says, abandoning for a moment, his constant self-restraint and the irritation to emerge. "What's the life you give, you, in your apartment from peanuts, some without even a job?", And, this time from the contempt easily shines through his words, it seems, indeed, not even try to hide it.
Catherine was not felt at all wound is nothing new to receive a similar hostility from the mother and this attitude shall not have the effect other than to make it even more stubborn. "Certainly a better life than this. The treated as a doll collector, you will soon pay even a ticket to see her, "Her voice rises to a pitch that has not anticipated. Such an explosion was not planned, but their instincts and feelings, in this case, are proving stronger than any brake may have you place.
He had no idea it would really come to this point, let's affection for the child trasparisse in a way so obvious, he hated, despised, and he moved away and now, inexplicably, it stands as a defense , want to save it and take it with him. What happened? Whatever it is, Katherine does not know: but the need is there and no sign of leaving.
"You," Adele resumed, his voice growing sharper, "have you lost any claim to her eight years ago! You're wrong if you think that let you decide what is best for Clare, because hardly know his name. "
" Oh Mom, "she hisses," Do you really think that is even remotely possible that someone knows more than me? "Let that question floating in the air, while the smile on his face is frozen solid, more secure and up-front. The words that immediately after delivery has not provided, did not even have thought that one day he would really say: he spent so many years to deny that thought, to pretend that it was not reality, which now makes the effect of blinding revelation.
"clear and my daughter, after all, not yours."
Cade silence, a silence deep and tense that seems made of concrete and the only utility to let that truth better condense; Catherine bring himself to join him and is sure that now that he finally pronounced, can no longer ignore. That step was afraid to do so, he avoided and from which she had run away, now is not necessary.
Adele adds nothing, and as supports that held the cup on the table, producing a low noise ceramic hits, it seems dressed in frost. Catherine turns to a single gaze, full of anger, contempt and perhaps even fear, and then gets up and walks away, the clicking of her heels that resonates even more acute than usual.
* In the garden, sits on a bench trying to come together and get on top of a solution, desperate to quell the instinct that has emerged suddenly, the mixture of sense of ownership and sense of duty , returning to the life he has lived so far. Yet it is impossible, as if that step was now irrevocable: go ahead and find the courage to do so, it seems the only possible solution.
"Are you sad?" To arrive suddenly. Move the eyes from the rose bush that was watching and crosses the blue eyes of Clara. Further back, he sees his education which is slowly approaching.
shakes his head, "No, not at all," answered the girl will smile and a tear to her.
Catherine takes a moment to look at her face, to trace the lines that are his and those of the boy which, now, can not remember the name. Take a moment to decide, to understand that basically does not want to go back and that Clare is a beautiful little girl and, perhaps, may be good to each other - that you will
definitely good to each other.
In a move fluid, takes off the red scarf tied around his neck and, approaching with Chiara with a gesture, belting him around a wrist. The girl laughed again, with his fresh voice and tone. "Now I look like to you?" Asks, admiring her new accessory with joy.
"I'll tell you a secret," replied Catherine, leaning forward until his ear. "You always look like me."
His mother keeps looking at him. Try to stay in the same room with her as little as possible and, when that happens, he pretends that there is or is simply an exaggerated coolness. Catherine would have the sole purpose of bothering her to stay at the villa, but in reality is something else that holds it.
"It's clear that your stay has the effect of irritating our beloved parents," begins Richard, who does not escape anything, "but at least I think I deserve an honest explanation." He pauses for a moment to look at longer than necessary, by bending the lips in a sneer pedantic. "Then why are you still here?"
Catherine he never knows what to expect. He learned long ago that the fraternal and abetting child could claim a child is now disappeared, and he knows the same way that Richard is pursuing their personal goals more than anything else. That question does not hide her concern or curiosity: it is a means to show his cards, evaluate and consider whether they are harmful to themselves or completely harmless.
shrugs and, clinging to a surge of anger by sister, replied: "Just your sweet company to keep me here for years."
The guy chuckles, shaking his head. "Look, I understand that even when you have something in mind," resumed, not at all willing to let it go. From his look is evident that he is telling the truth, yet she insists on not to respond, avoiding his eyes because he stops reading in the head.
even this can stop him, but his tone becomes more serious, more attentive when he speaks again. "Listen, I do not want to quarrel with you at all, so we put the record straight." Put his hand on his arm, to make it turn to him. "There are only two things that you should not touch: the company and Philip. The rest you can do whatever you want. "
Now that he first was exposed, Catherine is no longer afraid to do so as well. "It's just clear that we want, 'he decides to admit.
Richard nods, "It serves me right, 'and let her go, recovering their mocking detachment. The accomplice then smiles, as if they had just signed an agreement, and adds in a whisper: "Basically she's always been yours, no?"
Catherine is not surprising even for a moment that he is aware of them. "Exactly," confirmed, returning the smile.
study guide is the last door down the hall's main floor. Head toward it gives Catherine the scary feeling to be back a rebellious girl. It was there that dealt with the agreement that has allowed to leave home, and was always there that Catherine had to admit, eight years ago, is pregnant. Between those four walls she felt small, insignificant and humiliated, and now is preparing to be a second time.
But now things will be different, is repeated, and now has nothing to lose, now is stronger, is a grown woman and there are more reasons to fear their parents. Clare now has to think about: take it away from the house is the only objective that aims to obtain at any price.
Her father gives her permission to enter with the usual booming voice and commanding, then takes a few minutes before lifting his eyes from the cards is revising and finally to ask attention.
Catherine, the Conversely, do not waste time. "I want to take Clare to the city, to live with me," says in one breath, tone, firm and our gaze in that of the father, without hesitation.
"I was just wondering when you'd come to propose this idea sock to me," replied the man, half smile on the face of ridicule plastic. "Is it really necessary that you explain why this is not possible, or we can skip the pleasantries and directly put an end to this farce?"
Catherine shakes her head, mimicking his own amusement. "Do not you just understand, Dad," begins by appealing to all its forces. "I'm not asking you and mom for permission to take her on vacation.
I decided that from now on will live with me and I am simply informing the thing. Just out of here, I will say to his teacher's pack. We're leaving tomorrow morning, after breakfast. "
The Guido's smile freezes on his face quickly, as his words are pronounced, do not be like the apostrophe with certain tones and easily recognized by Catherine the disappointment showing in his expression The ill-concealed rage that follows. It requires not to be frightened, to continue straight on his way.
'Then you suddenly decided to make her mother after the family has occupied her for all these years? "resumed the man, almost a snarl. "It's very convenient of you, Catherine."
"Oh, please, as if it were not for you
comfortable," she snapped finds himself unable to restrain himself further. "You have raised a child, you have raised as you could do with a racehorse."
her father's eyes peering closely, his lips tightened into a thin line and dark eyebrows furrowed, unequivocal sign of his anger. "I will not tolerate such lack of respect as well," articulates with forced calm, "so you just know this: daring to go through with this story, you will not consider you more easily un'Altieri. "
The threat floats in the air for a few moments as the girl who understand every little implication. Guido is talking about the dispossessed, to remove any kind of help that allowed her to live so far, Catherine has no doubt about the veracity of his claims, but can not hear all of the fear that would ensue at the time, exceptionally, affects very little money.
"You know, Dad," it resumed, "I do not think most un'Altieri for a long, long time. So, is' well what do you think is more just. "A laugh slight mockery of the forms on the lips before turning and leaving, only to add: "Among other things, would be a shame for your reputation if the press should have known that you have a grandson from his daughter in disguise, escape its same mother, do not you think? "
will be granted only for a moment, just enough to taste the wrath of his father and kept a sense of victory that it gives her cornered. Then he mentions a greeting and, without allowing it to continue so that discussion leaves the room.
idea of spending time with her, Claire is incredibly excited and shows no resistance. The morning Next, they spend long minutes in his room - is perhaps the first time that Catherine set foot there and looks around with fear - to tell the maid what to put in the bags.
When her clothes are all already folded one of the largest suitcases, Catherine bends down to tell her to pick up her toys, all objects that want to bring along and leave, announcing that the waiting downstairs.
Downstairs, there is no trace of Guido or Adele, but only of Richard and Philip. The waiting hall, where there did bring their own baggage, and it is clear that they talked about her until the exact when they appear in the top view of the stairs.
"So you're really doing," begins Philip, pressing still in the middle staircase. Catherine's last steps down quietly, pretending not to notice the excessive resentment in his tone and trying to get face any kind of concern that the door step, to show themselves as safe as ever.
"I'm really doing," he echoed with a sigh, when it came before the younger brother. Philip looks at her with anger and it is easy to understand why: he fears that the family can be divided, afraid of being forced to give up Claire, or even to her, having to choose a side. Would like to find the right words to calm him, the force would also like to tell the truth - because he, more than any other, ought to know - but knows they can not do neither one nor the other.
His gaze crosses that of Richard, who, as usual, fully understands what she is thinking. Before your child can speak again, puts his hand on the shoulder, as if to restrain him and holds her, "Calm down," he murmurs.
"You should not let them," was his reply to Philip's sharp turn in response. Richard finds himself crowded out for a while, but there is time for it to replicate: Chiara peaks appear in the stairs at that moment and, with the result that the maid carrying the bags, jumping from step to step lively, laughing, until you get next to Catherine and in front of two boys.
"Come?" Asks, his blue eyes widening. The woman nods, slowly, and instructs the servants to carry your bags out to the taxi. Finally, turned back to his brothers, as if waiting.
Richard is the first to disentangle from that stillness nervous. Stroke the head of Clare and is recommended: 'Behave yourself', and then Catherine and hold her tight embrace a little 'more than necessary, like a farewell. The greeting is Philip slightly cooler, imprisoned by his resentment at the end it's up to you to mention a "Give my mom and dad," struggling to remain serious, both to escape a smile a bit 'sad.
Then, without further ado, take the hand of Clare and is heading towards the door.
* While walking the avenue leading to the gate of the courtyard, slowly, one step after another, the child lifts his head toward her and asked: "And if I miss?"
Catherine mentions a smile, shaking hands and stronger, keeping his eyes focused straight ahead, replied, "You like me: you never look back."
Clare nods, returns the close and continued to walk side by side, without turning even once.
Title: Follow your instincts (and Choose another path) Collection: What I am, you'll be the
Fandom: Original
Rating: Pg13
Word Count: 5377 (FDP)
Genre: Introspective,
General Disclaimer: The characters of history are
my, my, my
but if you want them there XD I give
. Any reference to existing people or real events is purely coincidental. Notes: • Ok, where do I start? XD
Meanwhile, everything had to be written for the Tricolore! Challenge Fanworld But clearly I was not on time - and if you look at the word count will understand why. XD So, uh, come now and know that the first story I really liked, but now I hate her. • Part of that - hopefully - will become a collection of these characters. o_O Because when I was writing this, I could think of nice that developed around the following additional and different scenes, so yes, I would say that people write about this again. XD • Title to
Resistance of
even more important than all, despises the people who live and to which everything belongs, from first to last, the only thing that goes beyond a similar spiral of disgust are just their money. Those, to Catherine, really like.
This is what I keep thinking while her mother speaks. It has the terrible habit of using the same tone that you use with a child, despite his twenty-five years he played: lower your voice and makes it mellow, sweet forcibly, and she loves to test against the self that is attached to, hear his speech in an attempt to break up and remain calm educated. Catherine harbors no respect for their mother. "We're happy you're here," is saying now. "You're still part of this family, and rightly celebrate occasions like that go big."
She graduated exactly one week before and the call of the parents, who invited her to the villa for a party in his honor, arrived punctual. The only reason I accepted is the agreement that, long before, had concluded with his father, she was allowed to leave at will by the family to reject the management company - which was then headed by his younger brother - and still live a life of its own logging the wealth of the parents, provided you are not in a bad light as Altieri and show his face for some important occasions.
Only this has had the opportunity to take courses in Foreign Languages, instead of Economy and Commerce, and the only reason yet have a substantial monthly allowance, just for this, finally, is located in front of his mother, in house, put up in his speeches about how great it is to pretend be a family together. "Sure, Mom," replied, mimicking his own smile softened, "and the fact that you do not have the slightest idea what he has studied over the past five years obviously does not matter, right?" The attitude
Catherine drink a long drink of tea and looks up to heaven. "God, you still take those pallosissime music lessons? "he says. The sentence results in a long sigh of exasperation that his mother had used in life, and certainly would follow with an equally long lecture if you do not stop talking about them later: "And anyway I do not want to see it. We will meet for dinner, as with everyone else. "
Adele stares at length, with a reproach that no longer dares to ask verbally. "As you wish," replied, dry and cold. "Just try to look after your manner, until the remains in this house," warns Finally, turning to exit the residence.
Catherine does not replicate anything, the empty cup in one gulp, then gets up and goes to his time, heading towards the garden where he knows that will not meet any member of the family.
* His brothers have for her the same respect that Catherine has for her parents: she imagines that have not suffered too much then for his absence, the first because it could eventually seize the title of principal heir , the second because it has found new and improved opportunities to show off before the eyes of parents.
Richard looks at her with an irreverent sarcastic in his eyes that makes me want to slap him. Sip your Martini watered down and let her come near, forced by the watchful eyes of Adele.
"It's always good to see you crawling on the money, little sister," she whispers to her as soon joins. Catherine's hand slips off the glass and replies, "Money is the only thing that disgusts me in this place." He takes a sip of the drink and levandolo slightly to indicate, he adds: "I think, even this sucks." is a cynical careerist willing to do anything, Riccardo. He has a nose for business and almost animal instinct to follow them without smudging smoothly and would be able to do anything to achieve their goals, not afraid to resort to methods are ill suited to either get their hands dirty. Catherine is convinced that one day he will take control of assets Altieri, leaving the father with the palm of your nose, maybe a step away from bankruptcy, when that day comes, she wants to be there looking for guidance from above saying, "Apparently I was not the snake of the family. "
Philip, by contrast, moves up a completely different. Maybe because a boy is convinced that her parents are no more than perfection come down to earth following the footsteps of father as a good dog would do, he attended his same high school, will move into its own university, maybe one day will himself a successful company with his own hands - or end up working for Richard, which is smart enough to keep for themselves only the intelligence of his brother. Catherine
Chiara eight years is a doll with dark curls and blue eyes is not understood by those who have inherited ("One of the grandparents, of course, 'liquid nonchalantly people) always dresses in lace lacy skirts, taking lessons piano and violin, is educated at home, so it is difficult to spot them, and says his prayers every night, before his four-poster bed.
Chiara is the joy of family, pride of Adele and Guido, the treasure hidden in the eyes of more and instead put on display to the proper authorities, so that one day may be traded as a commodity of value. Chiara is all that Catherine should have been.
When twenty years had left the house, friends of his parents had been maligned by saying that he had done out of jealousy of the girl, who could not bear to not be the only girl in the family. Cate had laughed their speeches and they had also fed behaviors often unfriendly or intentionally evil against him; attitudes, however, were not entirely fake or manufactured. The truth is that rarely withstands the presence of Clare and is rarely prepared to deal with it, the truth is that sometimes it is really
convinced to hate.
hate it, because it knows exactly where those eyes so blue they come.
Her father enters the dining room for last, when the table is now the apparatus and the dinner is being served. As is his habit for years and years, skip the aperitif and any chance of meeting with the rest of the family; Upon his arrival, all take up their positions, without saying goodbye, without running to embrace him meeting: they seem a troop that you put in line in front of his general.
Catherine has only a moment's hesitation, first to trace the ancient custom and behave exactly like any other, his position - that the right hand of Guido - is now occupied by Richard, it can only sit next to brother, face of Philip.
"I hope it is all ready for tomorrow night," are the first words his father decision, addressed to everyone and anyone.
"Most of the calls has been confirmed, yes," he rattles off faithfully Adele, then launches into explanations of the usual details that an evening reception at home requires Altieri. Her husband nods to all the information, give advice and express dissent, and dinner is served, a theater already seen and reviewed is consumed before the eyes of Catherine.
Richard and Philip, as you become accustomed to such scenes, talk to each other or simply not listening, the child bends down too often to Clare, laugh and talk: for several minutes to ask you is the only real attention . Catherine would not have noticed, the way the girl is on her, the immobility that characterizes it and that makes it even more like a porcelain doll, who would not remember their childhood, the condition, and would not goad the heart, that his coldness was able to endure all things.
The laugh that one of the characters of Philip led, off the lips of Clare when she looks up and crosses that of Catherine fixed on her. On the table on which the suddenly stagnant silence, her voice sounds thin, just tinged with fear: "Now go back to live here?"
"Living here, you say?" Guido's voice cuts through the silence like an arrow just shot. "I do not know, okay? Catherine does not like this at home, and she does not like us either. "He turns to his daughter and fixed carefully, addressing a first glance since he set foot in the Villa. Catherine supports him appealing to all the courage that has collected over the years of his youth, yet it seems that even that is enough to make a proper reply, and really hold his head. Guido
Addressing her back to when he was just a kid and it was feared more than anything else in the world, and is gradually able to overcome that fear, to come to terms with his father and to obtain a semblance of freedom, but there are still times when it seems it did not make any progress, that it did not move, they are still the girl who was scolded for failing to act in a way.
about to say something, anything to unlock the situation and offering a chance to breathe, to feel its twenty-five and not his inability, but speaking out before her. "Sorry, Dad," murmured, lowering his eyes on the plate and returning to eat quietly.
Guido's dark eyes finally left to rest on the girl, smiling good-naturedly, he tells her not to worry, as if nothing had happened, and resumed the conversation with Adele. Catherine in return, no longer hungry.
She sat with clenched fists on the table, and the anger that is brewing, the sense of rebellion that simple scene that caused the rubble stomach: there's that
dad too, and that apology is not needed, c ' fiction is the stillness, the breath is missing, because the cage that Guido and Adele have built around you is not never falling, but that the more you fit us each time he tries to break free.
Richard and Philip turned to her almost at the same time, realizing what is going to happen. The eyes of the child say the distinctly
not now, while Richard syllable, unceremoniously, "Thou hast searched."
Cathy knows that her brother is right, that if you really tried, because they are now years that they were digging with their hands slowly, picks up a fork trying to restore calm.
It behaves exactly like his father, in pretending that nothing has happened.
Once, years ago, his mother had told her that red is a color exaggerated, obvious and in this unseemly, had forbidden her to wear it as a child and teenager, claiming that only have such a good little clothing.
the evening of the party for his graduation party, Katherine makes sure to wear a red dress and high shoes, to dart over most of the crowd. On this occasion, the glance of reproach for Adele does not seem enough.
"I can not believe you will be cured in this way," hissed the woman in the hall, a moment before leaving to make his entry into the hall, among the guests.
Catherine grins mockingly. "It's my party, Mom," replies, with a supercilious note in his voice, "if I draw attention to an event in my honor, when should I?" Says the woman raised her eyes and her grin is widens into a genuine smile, while passing over and through the doors of the room.
the guests know very few people directly, most are all friends of their parents and employees, that Catherine was able to meet only on other occasions similar official, or of which he only heard about. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, in the party and everything is organized
ad hoc for the purpose more or less to guide and Adele. It is easy to see that his every smile this evening will be built and false, as well as return to feel that sense of restraint, the cage that holds the breast.
mourned Rome, his penthouse in the center where he could celebrate with those who really think friends and drink and laugh and have fun, yet avoid such a situation is not possible. With a plastic smile on his face, then launches into the crowd.
wish a bright future is left, shakes hands with middle-aged men and young people in full by that haunting eyes, imagine, have been invited here by his father in person to whet his interest. Richard every now and then joins, hands her a glass of punch a bit 'too much alcohol and pinches the side and whispers to her cruel comments on the present, reminding an old game that served as boys.
The truth, however, is that now he is much more at ease on such occasions, than it was a boy, moves through the crowd like a shark quickly and safely, without claiming that those victims are able to achieve time. Sometimes, Philip drags with him, tries to cancel his shyness, it is already as his favorite collaborator.
Catherine if they keep at a distance, instead of who is leaving to go to her, as any queen would, meanwhile, says Clare. The little girl - there must be someone really important, for it allowed the party - not done away from the side of Adele even for a moment. The woman has in turn, makes you shake hands with strangers who compliment to her beauty, dark curls, even for those eyes so blue.
His yawning and his fatigue is ignored. "Be good, darling," she prays Adele, before resuming the tour, "there are many people who want to meet you."
"They should not treat her well," says Catherine, Philip, in a rare moment in which they can to approach. He holds her gaze fixed on Clare and can not dissuade him, even though you want, even if she'd hold on him that his famous indifference.
"The deal as they treated all of us," answered her brother. "Why should it be different with her?" We turn to watch them carefully, looking for reasons to complain that he is completely insane, but Catherine, although he has spent years trying, has always been far from his understanding, real places to meet their there were not ever. When he left, what's more, the girl had cut off any possibility in the bud: Phil Did not I forgiven yet. So leave that last attempt and turn again to the hall and the guests to and from the small Adele Clare. "Imagine if one of the precious loins of my father could never be treated differently," he adds further, almost in a mumble.
Catherine greenhouse eyelids suddenly, biting his tongue not to reply and say more than necessary. It is an instinct that the bottom part of the stomach and pressing to be expressed, such as when you claim ownership of something, reaching out a hand suddenly, clasping his fingers around and yelling, it's mine. is exactly what she would do, right now, and that is exactly what prevents you to do. Go in search of his self-control, trying to retrieve the reasons that drove him there, to make those specific decisions, what he can see now, however, is only his own youth, lived just like livin in clear. This does not like: she wakes up within that same rebellion that drove you to leave, the door to want to save even clear since it is still a child, it might be better than all of them, if only it falls short in time from such influences.
Maybe that's the moment when he decided his next move. Or perhaps he always knew would happen sooner or later.
* The first
which finds the courage to mention it is Adele. He used this opportunity at breakfast the next day, when the waitress out, there are only two of them sitting on sofas in the living room.
"I was thinking ..." begins, waiting to get the full attention of his mother before continuing, "Maybe Clare could come and stay with me for a while '."
The woman stares for a long time, processing In his words, then mentions a snort of laughter and covers her mouth with one hand. "It's a joke, right? What could make clear to you? "Says Catherine
gaze without fear, suggesting another its determination and the intention not to be bent. "Could you live with me," replied, the low tone and serious.
Any hint of fun disappears from the face of Adele. "This is not unthinkable," he says, abandoning for a moment, his constant self-restraint and the irritation to emerge. "What's the life you give, you, in your apartment from peanuts, some without even a job?", And, this time from the contempt easily shines through his words, it seems, indeed, not even try to hide it.
Catherine was not felt at all wound is nothing new to receive a similar hostility from the mother and this attitude shall not have the effect other than to make it even more stubborn. "Certainly a better life than this. The treated as a doll collector, you will soon pay even a ticket to see her, "Her voice rises to a pitch that has not anticipated. Such an explosion was not planned, but their instincts and feelings, in this case, are proving stronger than any brake may have you place.
He had no idea it would really come to this point, let's affection for the child trasparisse in a way so obvious, he hated, despised, and he moved away and now, inexplicably, it stands as a defense , want to save it and take it with him. What happened? Whatever it is, Katherine does not know: but the need is there and no sign of leaving.
"You," Adele resumed, his voice growing sharper, "have you lost any claim to her eight years ago! You're wrong if you think that let you decide what is best for Clare, because hardly know his name. "
" Oh Mom, "she hisses," Do you really think that is even remotely possible that someone knows more than me? "Let that question floating in the air, while the smile on his face is frozen solid, more secure and up-front. The words that immediately after delivery has not provided, did not even have thought that one day he would really say: he spent so many years to deny that thought, to pretend that it was not reality, which now makes the effect of blinding revelation.
"clear and my daughter, after all, not yours."
Cade silence, a silence deep and tense that seems made of concrete and the only utility to let that truth better condense; Catherine bring himself to join him and is sure that now that he finally pronounced, can no longer ignore. That step was afraid to do so, he avoided and from which she had run away, now is not necessary.
Adele adds nothing, and as supports that held the cup on the table, producing a low noise ceramic hits, it seems dressed in frost. Catherine turns to a single gaze, full of anger, contempt and perhaps even fear, and then gets up and walks away, the clicking of her heels that resonates even more acute than usual.
* In the garden, sits on a bench trying to come together and get on top of a solution, desperate to quell the instinct that has emerged suddenly, the mixture of sense of ownership and sense of duty , returning to the life he has lived so far. Yet it is impossible, as if that step was now irrevocable: go ahead and find the courage to do so, it seems the only possible solution.
"Are you sad?" To arrive suddenly. Move the eyes from the rose bush that was watching and crosses the blue eyes of Clara. Further back, he sees his education which is slowly approaching.
shakes his head, "No, not at all," answered the girl will smile and a tear to her.
Catherine takes a moment to look at her face, to trace the lines that are his and those of the boy which, now, can not remember the name. Take a moment to decide, to understand that basically does not want to go back and that Clare is a beautiful little girl and, perhaps, may be good to each other - that you will
definitely good to each other.
"I'll tell you a secret," replied Catherine, leaning forward until his ear. "You always look like me."
His mother keeps looking at him. Try to stay in the same room with her as little as possible and, when that happens, he pretends that there is or is simply an exaggerated coolness. Catherine would have the sole purpose of bothering her to stay at the villa, but in reality is something else that holds it.
"It's clear that your stay has the effect of irritating our beloved parents," begins Richard, who does not escape anything, "but at least I think I deserve an honest explanation." He pauses for a moment to look at longer than necessary, by bending the lips in a sneer pedantic. "Then why are you still here?"
Catherine he never knows what to expect. He learned long ago that the fraternal and abetting child could claim a child is now disappeared, and he knows the same way that Richard is pursuing their personal goals more than anything else. That question does not hide her concern or curiosity: it is a means to show his cards, evaluate and consider whether they are harmful to themselves or completely harmless.
shrugs and, clinging to a surge of anger by sister, replied: "Just your sweet company to keep me here for years."
The guy chuckles, shaking his head. "Look, I understand that even when you have something in mind," resumed, not at all willing to let it go. From his look is evident that he is telling the truth, yet she insists on not to respond, avoiding his eyes because he stops reading in the head.
even this can stop him, but his tone becomes more serious, more attentive when he speaks again. "Listen, I do not want to quarrel with you at all, so we put the record straight." Put his hand on his arm, to make it turn to him. "There are only two things that you should not touch: the company and Philip. The rest you can do whatever you want. "
Now that he first was exposed, Catherine is no longer afraid to do so as well. "It's just clear that we want, 'he decides to admit.
Richard nods, "It serves me right, 'and let her go, recovering their mocking detachment. The accomplice then smiles, as if they had just signed an agreement, and adds in a whisper: "Basically she's always been yours, no?"
Catherine is not surprising even for a moment that he is aware of them. "Exactly," confirmed, returning the smile.
study guide is the last door down the hall's main floor. Head toward it gives Catherine the scary feeling to be back a rebellious girl. It was there that dealt with the agreement that has allowed to leave home, and was always there that Catherine had to admit, eight years ago, is pregnant. Between those four walls she felt small, insignificant and humiliated, and now is preparing to be a second time.
But now things will be different, is repeated, and now has nothing to lose, now is stronger, is a grown woman and there are more reasons to fear their parents. Clare now has to think about: take it away from the house is the only objective that aims to obtain at any price.
Her father gives her permission to enter with the usual booming voice and commanding, then takes a few minutes before lifting his eyes from the cards is revising and finally to ask attention.
Catherine, the Conversely, do not waste time. "I want to take Clare to the city, to live with me," says in one breath, tone, firm and our gaze in that of the father, without hesitation.
"I was just wondering when you'd come to propose this idea sock to me," replied the man, half smile on the face of ridicule plastic. "Is it really necessary that you explain why this is not possible, or we can skip the pleasantries and directly put an end to this farce?"
Catherine shakes her head, mimicking his own amusement. "Do not you just understand, Dad," begins by appealing to all its forces. "I'm not asking you and mom for permission to take her on vacation.
I decided that from now on will live with me and I am simply informing the thing. Just out of here, I will say to his teacher's pack. We're leaving tomorrow morning, after breakfast. "
The Guido's smile freezes on his face quickly, as his words are pronounced, do not be like the apostrophe with certain tones and easily recognized by Catherine the disappointment showing in his expression The ill-concealed rage that follows. It requires not to be frightened, to continue straight on his way.
"Oh, please, as if it were not for you
comfortable," she snapped finds himself unable to restrain himself further. "You have raised a child, you have raised as you could do with a racehorse."
her father's eyes peering closely, his lips tightened into a thin line and dark eyebrows furrowed, unequivocal sign of his anger. "I will not tolerate such lack of respect as well," articulates with forced calm, "so you just know this: daring to go through with this story, you will not consider you more easily un'Altieri. "
The threat floats in the air for a few moments as the girl who understand every little implication. Guido is talking about the dispossessed, to remove any kind of help that allowed her to live so far, Catherine has no doubt about the veracity of his claims, but can not hear all of the fear that would ensue at the time, exceptionally, affects very little money.
"You know, Dad," it resumed, "I do not think most un'Altieri for a long, long time. So, is' well what do you think is more just. "A laugh slight mockery of the forms on the lips before turning and leaving, only to add: "Among other things, would be a shame for your reputation if the press should have known that you have a grandson from his daughter in disguise, escape its same mother, do not you think? "
will be granted only for a moment, just enough to taste the wrath of his father and kept a sense of victory that it gives her cornered. Then he mentions a greeting and, without allowing it to continue so that discussion leaves the room.
idea of spending time with her, Claire is incredibly excited and shows no resistance. The morning Next, they spend long minutes in his room - is perhaps the first time that Catherine set foot there and looks around with fear - to tell the maid what to put in the bags.
When her clothes are all already folded one of the largest suitcases, Catherine bends down to tell her to pick up her toys, all objects that want to bring along and leave, announcing that the waiting downstairs.
"So you're really doing," begins Philip, pressing still in the middle staircase. Catherine's last steps down quietly, pretending not to notice the excessive resentment in his tone and trying to get face any kind of concern that the door step, to show themselves as safe as ever.
"I'm really doing," he echoed with a sigh, when it came before the younger brother. Philip looks at her with anger and it is easy to understand why: he fears that the family can be divided, afraid of being forced to give up Claire, or even to her, having to choose a side. Would like to find the right words to calm him, the force would also like to tell the truth - because he, more than any other, ought to know - but knows they can not do neither one nor the other.
His gaze crosses that of Richard, who, as usual, fully understands what she is thinking. Before your child can speak again, puts his hand on the shoulder, as if to restrain him and holds her, "Calm down," he murmurs.
"You should not let them," was his reply to Philip's sharp turn in response. Richard finds himself crowded out for a while, but there is time for it to replicate: Chiara peaks appear in the stairs at that moment and, with the result that the maid carrying the bags, jumping from step to step lively, laughing, until you get next to Catherine and in front of two boys.
"Come?" Asks, his blue eyes widening. The woman nods, slowly, and instructs the servants to carry your bags out to the taxi. Finally, turned back to his brothers, as if waiting.
Richard is the first to disentangle from that stillness nervous. Stroke the head of Clare and is recommended: 'Behave yourself', and then Catherine and hold her tight embrace a little 'more than necessary, like a farewell. The greeting is Philip slightly cooler, imprisoned by his resentment at the end it's up to you to mention a "Give my mom and dad," struggling to remain serious, both to escape a smile a bit 'sad.
Then, without further ado, take the hand of Clare and is heading towards the door.
* While walking the avenue leading to the gate of the courtyard, slowly, one step after another, the child lifts his head toward her and asked: "And if I miss?"
Catherine mentions a smile, shaking hands and stronger, keeping his eyes focused straight ahead, replied, "You like me: you never look back."
Clare nods, returns the close and continued to walk side by side, without turning even once.
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